The territory
Cinque Terre
The “Cinque Terre” include the coastal belt of the territory that runs from Punta Mesco, the western promontory of Monterosso, to Portovenere; it’s a strip of coast about 15 kms. long, between the sea and the mountains. Behind them, there’s the Val di Vara (Vara Valley) and, in their final part, the Gulf of La Spezia. The steep profile of this territory, sometimes overhanging on the sea, with growings and vineyards, terraced thanks to the famous “little dry stone walls” (built with stones without cement), where rocks and barren areas appear covered with heather, broom and pines, only in a depht of 3 or 4 kms., highlights some 700-800 metres high relieves. These places make us wittnesses of the real phisical sacrifice of man and his spirituality, in the hug of an unique “fresco” between land, sky and sun.